Thursday, June 4, 2009

Marx Food Challenge: Sausages

As I've previously alluded to, I love me some giveaways. Most Internet giveaways require some type of work. Commenting on a blog post to be one of 20,000 possible winners of a Kitchen Aid mixer, or signing up for something that requires a bit of your time. I have on occasion responded to The Pioneer Woman's giveaways, because who couldn't use another Wusthof Knife? I know I could! But Marx Foods giveaways are more like giveaway CHALLENGES, and the only thing I like more than a giveaway is a challenge.

Last time the challenge was to create an original recipe using dried morels and to receive the most reader votes to the question, which would you be most likely to order in a restaurant. Well, I got my ass kicked, but it was fun, and getting a big bag of free food at my doorstep gives meaning to my life. This time it's sausages. Exotic game sausages at that. Yes I am German, and yes, I am from Milwaukee. You'd better believe I have some passion about sausage. I told Marx Foods I was in! Send me anything, I will cook with reckless abandon!

And what did I get? Only the best (in my opinion) option they offer.


So, now what? I wanted to saute these up immediately, eat them with my fingers until I had duck fat running down my chin and never look back. But wait! What other great contests will Marx Foods be offering in the future that I could miss out on? Patience is a deep virtue, of which I have little. Fortunately I had committed myself to a night with Kyle on Saturday with no other social obligations. A perfect set up to make a good meal and enjoy some great wine right along with it (I believe many people call this a date).

My first inclination was to try to make a "Spring Cassoulet" using local fresh ingredients and the whole yada yada. Are you sick of me talking about Local food yet? Hang on tight, because Minnesota hasn't even BEGUN to provide us with the bounty of summer. Rhubarb, sprouts and asparagus are great but make for a pretty gross sounding cassoulet. When my favas come to life we'll chat. Until then I decided simple was best. To you loyal reader, I unveil:

Green Garlic Stringozzi topped with Foie Gras Duck Sausage and Rhubarb Confit


Serves 2 (with leftovers)

4 Marx Foods duck sausages with foie gras and sauterene
1 1/2 c semolina flour
1/2 tsp salt
2 eggs
2 tbsp water
2 tbsp olive oil
1 bunch green garlic
1 stalk rhubarb
Olive oil

Slice rhubarb into 1 inch pieces. Toss with 1/4 cup sugar and a good dash of pepper.


Allow to macerate for 20 minutes.

Preheat oven to 300F. Toss rhubarb in the water that has collected at the bottom of the dish, and place in a baking pan, covered tightly with aluminum foil. Bake until very tender, about 30 minutes and set aside.

Stringozzi: Combine semolina, salt, eggs water and oil in a stand mixer using dough hook attachment.

Mix until dough is stiff, plus an additional 10 minutes of kneading until the dough is elastic.

Add one stalk of green garlic chopped until well incorporated. Cover dough with saran wrap or a wet towel to rest for 20 minutes.


Slice sausages on the bias and add to a large pre-heated heavy bottomed saute pan over medium heat. Cook until slightly browned.


Add two stalks of chopped green garlic until the garlic is wilted.



Deglaze pan with 1/4c Sauternes or comparable wine, scraping up remnants with a wooden spoon until wine has dissolved. Remove from heat.


Bring a pot of liberally salted water to a boil. On a floured surface roll out dough until 1/16th of an inch thick (or until you just don't feel like rolling any more).


Roll the dough into a long tube and cut as thinly as possible. Add pasta and cook until tender (about 4 minutes).

Toss pasta with sausage and garlic mixture along with a good drizzle of olive oil, season with salt and pepper to taste. Top with rhubarb, being careful as they are very delicate.



Chris said...

Your pasta looks fantastic! Yum!!

Veronica D said...

I love how you turned this challenge into such an exciting culinary adventure.